A lot of funeral homes and cremation providers offer cremation services in The Village, OK. However, the majority of these cremations are subcontracted to third parties that are offsite. In other words, a lot of funeral homes hire third party crematories to handle the funeral home’s cremation needs.
While this isn’t always a bad thing, it can lead to potential issues or inconveniences. These third-party crematories are oftentimes in warehouses or other industrial areas, so the funeral home has to transport the body of the deceased to the other location. Also, the funeral homes relinquish care of the body to the third party, leaving the return of the cremated remains to in third party hands. Usually all this back and forth does off without a hitch, but sometimes things go wrong. Unless a funeral director is around to supervise the cremation from start to finish, he or she simply can’t assure you that the process was performed correctly and ethically.
This is never an issue with funeral homes that have onsite crematories. Onsite crematories allow funeral homes to have full control over every aspect of the cremation, allowing the funeral director to make promises such as the deceased will never leave their care, and every step will be handled personally, the cremation will be culturally and religiously respectful to you or your cultural/religious leader’s specifications, only one body will be cremated at a time, and that the deceased will be held in a controlled and clean environment until the time of cremation and service.
Clearly there are many benefits to working with funeral homes that offer onsite cremations. However, not every onsite crematory is created equal. Look for onsite facilities that offer:
Corbett Funeral & Cremation has an onsite crematory that’s ready to serve you. We offer:
Corbett Funeral & Cremation is here to help if you want to learn more about The Village, OK cremation services that we offer or more about the benefit of onsite crematories and our Proper Cremations services. You can stop by and visit us or give us a call. We are happy to give you more information about what we can do for you in your time of loss.