Climate change and environmental consciousness are hot topics these days. From recycling and reducing plastic use to sustainable energy sources, people are trying everything they can to be green. But what about body disposition? Are cremation services in Nichols Hills, OK better for the environment than other disposition methods? If not, are there any options for a greener burial or cremation?
This basic cremation method does have slight environmental impact as is requires the burning of fossil fuels achieve the intense heat necessary to break down a body. However, it is better than traditional burial as it doesn’t involve embalming or other harsh pollutants being put into the ground. There are other greener cremation services available thanks to modern advancements and awareness.
Green cremation services take a few more steps to make the entire process cleaner and eco-friendlier. Green cremations, or natural cremations and eco-cremations, use no harmful or toxic chemicals to treat or embalm the body. This reduces the number of harmful gases released during the cremation. Another type of green cremation service is bio-cremation. Bio-cremation uses alkaline hydrolysis, or water resolution, to break down the body. The body is put inside a special chamber filled with potassium hydroxide, water, heat, and pressure for a few hours. Over time, the elemental combination breaks down the body into bone fragments just like traditional cremation services.
The remains from bio-cremation can be scattered or buried just like traditional remains. Bio-cremation uses much less fossil fuel and energy and does not let off as much gas or emissions. As it’s still a fairly new method, bio-cremation is not readily available and may be more expensive. There are also ways you personally can take steps to make cremation services greener. A few ways you can help out are:
If you want more information on how you can be greener even in death, or want to learn more about Nichols Hills, OK
cremation services, contact Corbett Funeral & Cremation. We have years of experience in the cremation industry and would be
happy to help you in any way we can, especially during a time of loss and grief. Feel free to call us or stop by anytime. If you're looking for guidance on cremation,
visit our website for helpful insights.