When a loved one passes on, your initial concern is for their welfare. You want them to get what they need, which means contacting cremation services The Village, OK and ensuring their needs are met. Once you know they are in good hands, you can take some time to make decisions on their behalf. Are you going to have a traditional funeral or will you go with cremation? Either option is completely honorable, so there really is no wrong choice. After their needs are met and you have services to honor them, you will likely eventually divide up their possessions. Some things might go to charity. You may get rid of other items. Family might take some things as memorabilia. There are lots of things you can do to reuse a loved one’s possessions to remember them in a unique way through the items they used when they were with you.
Your loved one, perhaps, had a selection of tea cups that they used to serve you with when you came over. You remember the tea cups fondly, but you don’t need fancy dishes yourself. You could take one or two of the tea cups and make them into candles, or even candle holders. They are a part of your home on a regular basis, even if they aren’t being used for tea.
If your loved one used to get around town on their bike, you might look at it fondly. It might be old and rusty, but you can still use it for something else to remember your loved one and keep it in rotation. Perhaps consider making a planter out of the basket on the front and displaying it in your garden.
Funeral home and cremation providers have seen many families make lovely quilts out of some of their loved one’s clothing. You can choose their favorite t-shirts, ties they always wore, or other such things and have someone with talent in that area make a quilt for you. Or, if you have that expertise, you can do it yourself.
If your loved one had a CD or even record collection, choose a favorite and make a clock out of to hand on your wall. Every time you see that clock, you will think of them and how much they loved that particular artist.
Most people have an assortment of silverware in their house and if you will always remember your loved one’s pattern, you could use their spoons to make a windchime in their honor.
Even if you don’t want to wear your loved one’s costume jewelry collection, you could repurpose it and use the beads for a new creation of some kind.
By planning ahead, you help prevent those disagreements by letting your family know what your wishes are and how you want your funeral service to be carried out and your business handled. When you are looking through your loved one’s belongings after their cremation services The Village, OK, think about what you can use their belongings for outside of the normal uses that you might expect. Get creative and enjoy your loved one’s possessions in new ways.